Friday, May 21, 2010

Eliminate blackheads on the face, with homemade masks.

Buildup of fats, oils, and dust in the face, can lead to blackheads. Blackheads can reduce your facial beauty. Therefore, care needs to be done to lift the blackheads on the skin. You can eradicate blackheads on your face without the squeeze it, but it can be done by making a face mask from the gelatin. Gelatin can easily be found in supermarkets.

The basic ingredients for the mask that you should prepare is 1 tablespoon of powdered gelatin, 2 tablespoons of cold milk and 1 egg white. The first step is mixed cold milk with gelatin in a container a little pot which had been cleaned beforehand. Then the heat by using low heat, until gelatin powder melts and mixed perfectly with milk. Once melted, remove from heat and allow it to become warm. After that, enter one egg white and stir until evenly distributed.

To use, immediately apply the mixture to the face, except in the eyes and lips, so easy to use brushes. Then let stand for about 30 minutes, or until the mask feels dry and tight. Remove the mask from your face, from chin to the top slowly. After all mask had peeled off, wash your face with warm water. After that give ordinary skin moisturizer that usually you use. With this kind of beauty care, blackheads on your face will be rooted out well. Make sure your skin is no breakouts or irritation, when you use this mask.

Refreshing the body skin using ginger

Air pollution, poor diet, and minimal beauty body skin care, may cause adverse effects on the body skin. This will cause the skin becomes dry, dull, and rapid aging. For that, we need proper care for our body skin to make it become fresh and taut. The tips is to meet nutritional that needed by our body skin.

Perform the following steps, to provide nutrients to the body skin. Take 5 until 7 grains of hazelnut, two tablespoons of full cream milk which is thickened by mix it with a little water, and also a tablespoon of grated ginger.

Hazelnut mashed until smooth, then mixed with full cream milk and grated ginger which has been prepared. Then apply mixture to entire body, and then let up to half dry. Then rub your body slowly, to spread last fall, along with dead skin cells from your body skin. After that rinse clean with warm water, without using soap. The last step is by applying body moisturizer, which you usually use. These beauty care can make your skin become more taut and fresh, without requiring an expensive cost.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Antioxidants for facial skin, using grapes

Grapes, rich in mineral content, calcium, vitamins B1, C, and flavonoids, making it very good to ward off free radicals that can damage the skin beauty. To take advantage of the grapes, as antioxidants, can be done with the utilization of the water. Grapefruit juice, can be used every day, because it is very good for almost all skin types. The trick is to crush some grapes, then wring it out so as to produce two tablespoons of grape juice. After that strain the juice. Then take the cotton, and cotton use is to apply the filter water grape juice on your face. Leave for more than 20 minutes, then wipe your face with cotton wool moistened with cold water. Antioxidants from grapes is very useful for keeping your facial beauty.

How to blacken the hair with candlenuts

If you have black hair, you will definitely love it if you lush hair, and black and shiny. Because your beautiful black hair, you can radiate beauty. One way is very well known to blacken hair is by using candlenuts seed.

The first step you should do is to prepare the five grain of candlenuts, then pounded into powder, then roasted. After that mix a little water to the seeds that have been roasted candlenuts so will remove the oil. Apply the oil to your scalp and hair, while gently massaged. After that, rinse with water until clean. This candlenuts seed oil can make your hair more black and shiny. And of course, you also will look more beautiful.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Make hair so thick with green bean juice

This beauty tips is tips are often used by pregnant women. There are among those who consume water green beans, with the hope that the baby in the womb will have thick hair. Therefore there is no harm if you take advantage of these materials to care for your beauty hair.

If you are experiencing hair loss, or your hair is thin, boil two handfuls of green beans with enough water. Try not to let it stew of green beans should not be destroyed, so do not boil it too long. then drain and set aside the green bean cooking water. The next step is a condensation of water during the night. On the next day, rub the water into your scalp and hair. Clean it with shampoo as usual manner. These hair beauty treatments are must done regularly, every morning. You will feel the results after some time.

Tips to smooth the skin with a banana

For women, beautiful skin is smooth skin. Apparently bananas and lemons, can also be used for treating skin beauty. Because bananas contain potassium that could be useful to keep moisture in the skin. While the amount of vitamin C in lemon, useful to brighten the skin. Skin beauty treatments using banana and lemon is as follows.

Take 1 banana mashed into powder, mix 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Smear your body with the materials had been prepared thoroughly and evenly. Then let stand for 30 minutes, until well absorbed into the skin. To clean, just go to bath and wash as usual. This treatment can make your skin smooth and fresh, so it can show your beauty.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to blacken and reproduce eyebrow hair

Eyebrow hairs that looks thick and black can make our face look more beautiful. It turns out tips to increase fur eyebrows may also be done with a fairly easy step. Namely, using herbs from quinine pills and tea water.

The first step is to make a fairly thick tea water (can also use stale tea water as long as thick and does not contain enough sugar). Then enter one grain of quinine pills to the tea until really dissolve. If difficult to dissolve, stirring with a spoon. Apply a mixture of thick tea water and quinine pills at your eyebrows. Do it slowly until seep. Then wash with plain water. Do this tips twice a day, you will see changes in your eyebrow hairs that become darker, thicker and look more beautiful.

Using yogurt to beautify the skin rough

Rough facial skin is generally caused by a buildup of dead skin cells. Buildup of dead skin cells that can eventually lead to blackheads on your face. To eliminate the buildup of dead skin that you can do beauty tips below.

Prepare two tablespoons of yogurt mixed with sugar to taste. Then rub the face slowly. After flattening, then rinse with clean water. Do it this way beauty treatments once a week. The result is your rough facial skin can be smooth. This is caused by lactic acid contained in yogurt is very useful to shed dead skin cells.